Generic, Rockwell Chipset AT&F&D0&K3&Q5S0=0
Generic, Rockwell RPI Chipset AT&F&D0&K3+H3S95=1S0=0
Generic, Rockwell RPI Chipset AT&F&C1&D2&K3+H11S95=1
Generic, Rockwell RPI Chipset AT&F&C1&D2+H11S95=1
Generic, Rockwell RPI Chipset AT&F&C1&D2&K3+H11S95=1
Generic, Rockwell RPI Chipset AT&F&C1&D2&K3+H11Y0S95=1
Generic, Rockwell RPI Chipset AT&F&C1&D2&K3E1V1+H11Y0S95=1
Generic, Rockwell RPI Chipset AT&F&C1&D2&K3&Q5E1V1Q0X4+H11S95=1
Generic, Rockwell RPI Chipset AT&F&C1&D0&K3&Q5E1V1Q0+H11Y0S7=75S95=1
Generic, Rockwell RPI+ Chipset AT&F\N0&K3&C1&D2
Generic, Rockwell RPI+ Chipset AT&F&C1&D2&Q6&K3
Generic, Rockwell RPI+ Chipset AT&F&D0&K3+H11S0=0
Amquest, 14.4 (RPI) AT&F&D0&K3+H3S95=1S0=0
Amquest, 14.4 (RPI) ATAT&D2&C1X4V1Q0S7=70W2
Best Data, 14.4 (RPI) AT&D2&C1X4V1Q0S7=70W2
Best Data, Smart One 1442FQ - Int AT&F&D0&K3+H3S95=1S0=0
Best Data 1442VF/1442FTQ/1442FQ/1442VTQ/1442FTX/1442FQ/9624FQ
Bis Technology 14.4
Boca 1440AE ext
CalCom 1442I
Cambridge Telecom 1414HI
Cardinal MVP144I MVP144XF/MVP144/WINMVP144iv2
Creatix 14.4
DataFax FX3 14.4
Delrina Delrina 4 in 1
Dynalink 1414H
Fountain Technologies 1414H
Global Village Gold II Mac
Icodata 14.4
Imagination FX3 14.4
Logicode Quicktel 14.4LH/1414LH
Maxtech (GVC) F(M)-114HXM144I int
Marco Data Systems 14.4
Newcomm 14.4
Pine 14.4
Premax 14.4
Prometheus 14.4I int
Reveal PM500
Rockwell 14.4
Signature Series SS1414I int
Smart One 14.4
SuperModem 1414H
Suprafax Express 144I int (Not Express Plus)
USRobotics Sportster SI 14.4 int/ext
Wisecom 1414I2
Zoltrix FM 144 ATI FM 144 ATE FM 144 ATF int/ext
Zoom 14.4 PC 14.4 EX int/ext
If you suspect that the modem might be an RPI, but is not in the above
listing, check for these things:
1) Check the modem manual and box for the words: "RPI Software Error
Correction and Data Compression Error Correction and Data Compression
software included
2) Issue an ATI 3 command from the terminal program (in Windows 3.x).
The response (normally) for a RPI modem should include the words
Rockwell RPI Modem. Unfortunately, not all RPI modems will return
this, but most will.
If its win95/98, go to start, settings, control panel, modems. Highlight your modem, click on the
diagnostics tab, highlight your modem and the port its on and click on more info. This will give you the
ati responses and from that list you can see the ATI3 response.
3) Here are some commands that, work on some RPI
modems which might help determine if its an RPI: (you could try these in terminal or hyperterminal)
Command Result
AT+FCLASS=? 0,1 0,1,2
Dialers that work with Rockwell RPI Modems:
(a) Windows 95/98 Dial in Networking
(b) Shiva Dialer
(c) Trumpet Winsock v. 2.1 or greater
(d) Spry Dialer from Compuserve
(e) Netcruiser 1.0 or greater
To check to see if you have the RPI software installed correctly for your modem, check to see if these
files are where they are listed:
Under Windows??3.1x:
Under Windows??95:
If the files aren't there, then chances are your software for your RPI modem isn't installed correctly
and you probably the modem won't work correctly..
What is the WinRPI patch?
The WinRPI patch changes the standard windows (3.x) communications
driver (comm.drv) to winrpi.drv. The new driver will force windows to
automatically do the required error correction, as long as the
communications product uses the standard window's comm.drv. The Shiva
dialer will work with this patch. This patch might not work with all RPI modems as well.
WinRPI (win95) patch (from Zoom's Site)
Rockwell RPI Init
String Page
Zoom WinRPI FAQ (excellent page)