Echo Communications, ATS0=0E1Q0V1X4
Echo Communications, AT&F&C1&D2&K3M1L1S0=0S7=55
Echo Communications, 14.4 AT&F&C1&D2
Echo Communications, 14.4 AT&F&C1&D2\Q3%C0
Echo Communications, 28.8/33.6 AT&F&C1&D2
Echo Communications, 28.8/33.6 AT&F1&B1&H1&R2&A3&K3X4&I0
Echo Communications, 28.8/33.6 AT&FX4&A1&B1&H1&M4&R2
Echo Communications, 28.8/33.6 AT&F1S27=16&K0
Echo Communications, 28.8/33.6 AT&FX4&A1&B1&H1&M4&R2&K0S27=26
Echo Communications, 28.8/33.6 AT&FX4
Echo Communications, 28.8/33.6 AT&F1
Echo Communications, 28.8/33.6 AT&F2
Echo Communications, 28.8/33.6 AT&F1S27=16&K0S10=150
Echo Communications, 33.6 (locked at 9600bps) AT&F&Q6&K0S37=6
Echo Communications, 33.6 (locked at 14400bps) AT&F&Q6&K0S37=11
Echo Communications, PCMCIA AT&F1
Echo Communications, PCMCIA AT&F2
Echo Communications, PCMCIA ATS0=0E1Q0V1X4
Echo Communications, PCMCIA AT&F&C1&D2\Q3%C0
Echo Communications, PCMCIA AT&FX4&B1&H1&R2&K0
Echo Communications, PCMCIA AT&F&C1&D2W2\V1%C1\J0\N7\Q3
Echo Communications, PCMCIA AT&F&C1&D3%C1\J0\N7\Q2\V2S7=50
Echo Communications, PCMCIA AT&F&C1&D3%C1\J0\N7\Q2\V2S7=60
Echo Communications, 56k Rockwell based V.90 +ms=11,1 (limit speed to 33.6)
Echo Communications, 56k Rockwell based V.90 +ms=v34 (limit speed to 33.6)
Echo Communications, 56k Rockwell based V.90 +ms=v90
To show correct Connection speeds use these inits:
Echo Communications, Rockwell based AT+MR=2
Echo Communications, Rockwell based ATS95=255
Echo Communications, Rockwell based ATS95=47
Last Updated March 5, 2005.